Resolving A DNS Issue
Haha. Get it? Resolving a DNS issue. OK, that was bad. You don't have to read
anymore, but I'm SOA
into this. You might even say I'm in the zone. I think
it's gonna be A
great read, so consider sticking around, 'cuz there's no
A few months ago I switched ISPs to try to support a smaller regional ISP instead of one of the monopolistic behemoths. The transition was largely pain free, but after a little while I noticed that something wasn't right on the new network. Periodically my web browsing would be much slower, but it didn't seem to be specific to any particular site. Furthermore, reloading a site I was having a problem with was usually without issue.
I let this go on for longer than I'm comfortable admitting, but finally got
fed up when I was trying to curl
pages from the same site in a loop. I
noticed that the same pages took different amounts of time to fetch between
runs of the loop, which seemed very wrong to me since they were static pages.
My first step in narrowing down the problem was to pick a website known for its
speed and reliability see if I had problems there. I curl
ed in a loop every 10 seconds and sure enough, every
so often the problem would happen there too. The connection would just hang
for a few seconds, but eventually complete.
Next, I wondered how I could narrow it down further to make sure the issue wasn't
caused on my home network. Then I remembered that my gateway could be
accessed by its IP of and the hostname I pointed curl
at my router's hostname. The same
problem was happening with a domain that resolved to my local network!
OK, so it didn't matter whether I was leaving my network or not. Traffic was
slooow either way. I changed my curl
loop to point at my router by its IP.
No issues whatsoever. At this point I recalled the age-old sysadmin wisdom.
It's always DNS!
Gathering Data
Clearly this was an intermittent DNS issue. I could have gone right into fixing the problem, but I wanted to know just how bad it was. In order to do that I needed data. I collected timing information for simultaneous HTTP GET requests resolving by IP address and by hostname for the same domain over a 2 hour period with the help of this script.
#!/usr/bin/env zsh
# 720 * 10s = 2hrs
: ${INTERVAL=10}
: ${NUM_TESTS=720}
: ${ROUTER_IP=""}
: ${OUTPUT_FILE="./http-test-results.csv"}
function now() {
# ISO 8601 FTW!
date -u "+%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"
function http-test() {
local host=$1
/usr/bin/time -f "%e" curl -s $host > /dev/null
function run-tests() {
# Create CSV header.
echo "Datetime,Seconds for HTTP GET by IP,Seconds for HTTP GET by Hostname"
# A sample CSV row will look like
# 2018-03-26T03:37:29Z,0.01,0.02
# For each iteration spit out the current time, how long it takes to curl
# with an IP address, and how long it takes to curl with a hostname.
for t in {1..${NUM_TESTS}}
# Redirect stderr to stdout with 2>&1 to capture GNU time's output.
echo "$(now),$(http-test ${ROUTER_IP} 2>&1),$(http-test ${ROUTER_HOSTNAME} 2>&1)"
sleep ${INTERVAL}
run-tests >> ${OUTPUT_FILE}
That was going to give me the data I needed, but reading raw CSVs is a pain. I don't do graphing very often, but I figured visualization would help, so I did a quick survey of Python graphing libraries and found the Pygal library. It turned out to be much more flexible than Matplotlib for my needs and gave me great looking SVGs customized to match the style of this site.
#!/usr/bin/env python3.6
import sys
from typing import Iterator
import pandas as pd
from pygal import Line
from import Style
class GruvboxStyle(Style):
""" A gruvbox-inspired Pygal style. """
background = '#282828'
plot_background = '#1d2021'
foreground = '#fdf4c1'
foreground_strong = '#fdf4c1'
foreground_subtle = '#fdf4c1'
colors = ('#8ec07c', '#fa5c4b')
def dilute_datetimes(datetimes: pd.Series, factor: int) -> Iterator[str]:
""" Lots of datetimes overlap and become unreadable, make some space. """
dilute = lambda t: t[1] if t[0] % factor == 0 else ''
yield from map(dilute, enumerate(datetimes))
def generate_chart(data: pd.DataFrame) -> Line:
line_chart = Line(
js=(), # The tooltips are really nice, but I don't want any JS.
# Water those datetimes down so they don't overlap and we can read them!
datetimes = data['Datetime']
dilution_factor = datetimes.shape[0] // 10
datetimes = dilute_datetimes(datetimes, factor=dilution_factor)
line_chart.title = 'HTTP GET by IP vs. HTTP GET by Hostname'
line_chart.y_title = 'Seconds'
line_chart.x_labels = datetimes
title='By IP',
values=data['Seconds for HTTP GET by IP']
title='By Hostname',
values=data['Seconds for HTTP GET by Hostname']
return line_chart
def main(argv: list) -> None:
data = pd.read_csv(sys.argv[1])
output = sys.argv[2]
chart = generate_chart(data)
if __name__ == '__main__':
Now I could run a few simple commands and get a chart to help me understand what I was dealing with.
#!/usr/bin/env zsh
export OUTPUT_FILE=before.csv
zsh http-test.zsh && python3.6 $OUTPUT_FILE ${OUTPUT_FILE:r}.svg
I ended up truncating the results for the graphs below to only show 30 minutes of the 2 hour data to help readability, but the data looks just about the same anyway.
Wow! That's really bad. You can't even see the By IP series because it's dwarfed by these enormous outliers from By Hostname. These were local DNS requests. There's no reason they should have been taking greater than 5 seconds to complete.
I logged into my router's administrative console and sure enough, right there in the logs was a DNS error.
Mar 25 21:44:03 dnsmasq[31700]: nameserver refused to do a recursive query
I was still using the default upstream DNS given by my ISP and it was refusing recursive DNS queries. My OS wasn't running a caching DNS resolver locally, so I was totally at the mercy of my router. When the router went out to lunch trying to satisfy a DNS request my connections did too.
Curiously, only one of the two nameservers my router was configured to use appeared in the logs with that error message. Not knowing exactly how the router manufacturer configured DNSMasq or how the upstream DNS servers were configured my working hypothesis is that the one refusing recursive queries was the primary and requests that weren't cached always had to go to two servers.
My assumption is that DNSMasq is pretty badly misconfigured on my router as I wouldn't expect to even need a recursive query. Ultimately I should probably run my own local DNS. Maybe I'll even take trust-dns for a spin. That would be a long-term project though, so I opted instead to simply change my nameservers to Google's public ones. The problem finally went away once recursive queries were being supported!
Measuring Success
Once I was confident I'd fixed the problem I ran the same chart generation
commands as before, being careful to set OUTPUT_FILE="after.csv"
so as not to
overwrite my previous data.
Much better! Even the most extreme request was under two tenths of a second. Just how much did the situation improve though? I wrote one last script to find out.
#!/usr/bin/env zsh
function percent_failures() {
local file="${1}"
local pattern="${2}"
local num_failures=$(grep $pattern $file | wc -l)
local num_results=$(wc -l $file | cut -d\ -f1)
echo "scale=4; ${num_failures} / ${num_results} * 100" | bc -l
percent_failures before.csv '5\.'
percent_failures after.csv '5\.'
Prior to fixing the issue 11.66% of all requests took longer than 5 seconds. After applying the fix that dropped to 0.13%. I'd say that's a noticeable improvement!
In case you were curious about how the It's Always DNS
diagram above was generated, here's the Graphviz source and dot
command to reproduce it.
// File:
digraph G {
graph [ splines=ortho nodesep=2 fontcolor="#fdf4c1" ];
node [ style=filled color="#282828" fillcolor="#282828", fontcolor="#fdf4c1" ];
edge [ color="#282828" fontcolor="#282828" ];
is_it_dns [shape=diamond label="Is it DNS?"];
check_bad_records [shape=box label="Check DNS for Bad Records"];
is_it_resolved [shape=diamond label="Is the Issue Resolved?"];
you_missed_something [shape=box label="You Obviously Missed Something"];
its_always_dns [shape=box label="It's Always DNS"];
is_it_dns -> check_bad_records [xlabel="Yes"];
check_bad_records -> is_it_resolved;
is_it_resolved -> its_always_dns [xlabel="Yes"];
is_it_resolved -> you_missed_something [xlabel="No"];
you_missed_something -> check_bad_records;
you_missed_something -> is_it_dns [xlabel="No"];
#!/usr/bin/env zsh
dot -Tsvg -o its-always-dns.svg
In the interest of making this post maximally reproducible I've put all the raw data and scripts used in this post in a GitHub repo for anyone who wants to play with them on their own network.